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The author welcomes your comments. Read the review of this book by J. H. Price. Since 1998 the author has created and uploaded websites with maps and photographs of the tramways of Além Paraíba, Aparecida-Guaratinguetá, Aracaju, Belém, Belo Horizonte, Campinas, Campos do Jordão, Curitiba, Itatinga, Manaus, Pelotas, Piraju, Porto Alegre, Recife, Rio Grande, Salvador, Santos, São Carlos, São Luís, Sorocaba, Vitória, the Alto da Boa Vista and Santa Teresa systems in Rio de Janeiro, and the light rail lines constructed in Rio de Janeiro and Campinas.

A scanned, facsimile edition of The Tramways of Brazil - all 197 pages, including illustrations and maps - was uploaded in 2009.

Please also see The Tramways of Chile, 1858-1978 and my website about Electric Transport in Latin America. For information in the Portuguese language about the tramways of Brazil, visit the website of Emídio Gardé. For information about tramways throughout the world visit the Light Rail Transit Association (distributor of my books). These 32 pages were uploaded to the Internet on 11 February 1999.

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