The following thirteen publications, listed alphabetically by a key word or abbreviation, provide information about tramways in Chile in general or in more than one city. The key words and abbreviations are used for reference in the text and also in the bibliographies of individual cities. Names of principal places of publication are also abbreviated: S = Santiago; V = Valparaíso.

Anuario = Chile, Oficina Central de Estadística. Anuario Estadístico de la República de Chile, 1848-88, 1909-. S, 1860-89, 1910-. Government tables reporting tramway gauge, track length, rolling stock, ridership, finances, etc. Not published 1890-1908. Tramway data skimpy before 1914. After 1921 statistics are tallied by province rather than by city, an arrangement that reduces their usefulness - especially after 1927 when boundaries shifted and cities moved from one province to another. No tram data after 1930. [See Sinopsis, below.]

Estadística = Chile, Ministerio de Fomento, Departamento de Ferrocarriles. Estadística Ferroviaria or Estadística de los Ferrocarriles (title varies), 1909-. S, 1910-. Sporadic brief data for intercity tramway lines in Santiago, Valparaíso, Concepción, Chillán, Villa Alegre and Santa Inés.

FCN = U.S. Bureau of Foreign & Domestic Commerce. Foreign Commerce and Navigation, 1918-46. Washington, 1919-47. Annual export tables note "electric railway" and "self-propelled" passenger cars shipped to Chile. (Earlier tables, unfortunately, report only value of exports, not number of cars.)

Halsey (1926) = Halsey, Frederic M. Chile. (Trade Information Bulletin #426 of U.S. Bureau of Foreign & Domestic Commerce.) Washington, July 1926. Descriptions of tramway systems in 13 cities, arranged geographically from north to south, pp. 49-53. The list expands the author's earlier survey of Chilean tramways on pp. 242-245 of his 1918 Investments in Latin America and the British West Indies (USBFC Special Agent's Series #169). Halsey's tramway surveys laid the groundwork for Long's more detailed study in 1930 [see below].

Huidobro Díaz (1939) = Huidobro Díaz, Carlos. Nuestros Ferrocarriles. S, 1939. The best Chilean survey of Chilean railroads. Has chapters on all intercity lines, including interurban and suburban tramway routes. Some of the tramway data are summarized on pp. 81-82 of the author's Política Ferroviaria Nacional, published the same year.

Lloyd (1915) = Lloyd, Reginald. Twentieth Century Impressions of Chile. London, 1915. (Also published in Spanish as Impresiones de la República de Chile en el Siglo XX, and as pp. 11-96 and 547-1013 of Impresiones de las Repúblicas Sud-Americanas del Oeste en el Siglo XX.) Massive, elegant, heavily illustrated volumes contain descriptions of tramways in Valparaíso, Concepción and Iquique, and a long section on the Santiago-San Bernardo suburban line; but, oddly, there is only a short paragraph on the Santiago urban tramway. Railroad and tramway illustrations. Chapters on Allgemeine Elektricitäts Gesellschaft, p. 258; Siemens-Schuckert, p. 261; MAN, p. 261.

Long (1930) = Long, W. Rodney. Railways of South America, Part III: Chile. (Trade Promotion Series #93 of U.S. Bureau of Foreign & Domestic Commerce.) Washington, 1930. A monumental 373-page railroad survey, possibly the most elaborate ever published by the U.S. Government. Includes large illustrated section on "Street Railways of Chile," pp. 239-263. Chapters also on Llano de Maipo Railway, Cerro San Cristóbal Cable Railway and Ferrocarril Yungay a Pudahuel. "Appendix B," pp. 287 and 296, summarizes tramway imports from Argentina, Belgium, Germany and the U.S.A.

Sinopsis = Chile, Dirección General de Estadística/ Oficina Central de Estadística. Sinopsis or Síntesis estadística de la República de Chile, 1880-1933. S, 1891-1933. Tables of tramway data similar to those in Anuario, above. Information sketchy before 1898. The 1933 edition, which presents data for 1930, contains a chart that summarizes the number of passengers carried by trams in Aconcagua, Santiago, Talca, Ñuble and Concepción provinces between 1915 and 1930.

Sucesos and Zig-Zag = picture magazines published, respectively, in Valparaíso and Santiago at the beginning of the century. Both have numerous articles and photos concerning trams, but precise reference is difficult because pages are generally unnumbered.

Titus S. (1910) = Titus S., Arturo. Monografia de los Ferrocarriles Particulares. V, 1910. Excellent histories of early railroads, including intercity tramway lines. The best Chilean railroad literature until Huidobro Díaz [see above].

Tornero (1930) = Tornero, Carlos. Baedeker de Chile. S, 1930. [Carlos Tornero should not be confused with Recaredo Tornero, author of Chile Ilustrado of 1872; see SANTIAGO bibliography.] Brief but informative references to tramways in Talca, Temuco, Limache, Cartagena, San Antonio, Maipú et al.

WSFR = U.S. Bureau of Foreign & Domestic Commerce. World Survey of Foreign Railways. Washington, 1933. Supplement, 1936. Name, owner, location, finances, length, gauge, rail weight and rolling stock of every railroad and tramway outside the U.S.A. Considers 20 streetcar operations in Chile.