mm in line 500 19.7 Santiago Quinta
Normal el tw (CL); Yucatán mule lines (MX); human-powered tw in Beira (MZ) 600 23.6 Santiago La
Pirámide el tw (CL); industrial rrs
everywhere 610 24.0 Edaville rr
(US) 660 26.0 Raposos-Nova Lima
el tw (BR) 750 29.5 Cochabamba el tw
(BO); Santiago Yungay el tw (CL) 762 30.0 Maracaibo (VE);
Port-au-Prince (HT); Pusan (KR) 800 31.5 Santos an tw,
Itatinga el tw (BR) 820 32.3 Rio de Janeiro
Carris Urbanos an tw (BR) 900 35.4 Linz (AT); Braga,
Lisboa (PT); Detroit tourist tw (US) 914 36.0 La Guaira (VE);
Medellín, Pereira (CO); Pachuca, Real de Catorce (MX); Corregidor
(PH); Singapore (SG); Sóller (ES); Lead SD, Seattle
cable tw; Boston RB&L rr (US) 950 37.4 Roma suburban,
Messina, Cagliari (IT) 1000 39.4 Bogotá
(CO); Concordia (AR); La Paz (BO); Ponce (PR); San Luis
Potosí (MX); many tws & most rrs in Brazil (BR);
tws & rrs in many countries but not USA
(US) 1050 41.3 Beirut (LB);
Damascus (SY) 1055 41.5 Alger, Oran
(DZ) 1067 42.0 Denver, Los
Angeles, Portland, Tacoma, San Francisco cable (US);
Arequipa (PE); Caracas (VE); Panama City (PA); Quito (EC);
San José (CR); Colombo (LK); Hong Kong (CN); Seoul
(KR); Arnhem (NL); Tallinn (EE); rrs in Japan (JP) &
South Africa (ZA) ("Cape gauge") 1100 43.3 Rio de Janeiro
Santa Teresa tw, Cantagalo rr (BR); Braunschweig, Kiel,
Lübeck (DE); Varese (IT) 1188 46.8 Jakarta
(ID) 1219 48.0 Canton, Honolulu,
Laredo, Pueblo, San Antonio, Springfield (US); Glasgow metro
(UK) 1350 53.1 Santos
(BR) 1365 53.8 Bilbao
(ES) 1372 54.0 Rio de Janeiro's São Cristóvão an tw (BR); São Luís an & st tw (BR) ; Hakodate, Tokyo,
Yokohama (JP) 1416 55.8 tws in Glasgow
area (UK) 1435 56.5 many tws (but not
many rrs) in Latin America; all el tws in Argentina except Concordia; all el tws in Mexico except Pachuca, Real de Catorce and San Luis Potosí; most other tramways and
railroads in the world not on this list ("standard
gauge") 1473 58.0 St. Louis
(US) 1495 58.8 Toronto tw &
metro (CA) 1524 60.0 Camden,
Jacksonville, Louisville, Quincy IL, Savannah (US); Panama
rr (PA); most tws & rrs in former Soviet Union
(SU) 1575 62.0 Columbus, Norfolk,
Trenton, Philadelphia Railways (US) 1581 62.2 Philadelphia tws
& Market St. (but not Broad St.) subway; Wilmington
(US) 1587 62.5 Cincinnati, Key
West, New Orleans, Wheeling, most Pennsylvania tws
(US) 1600 63.0 Altoona (US); rrs
& metros in Brazil (BR); rrs in Australia (AU) &
Ireland (IE) ("Irish gauge") 1638 64.5 Baltimore
(US) 1668 65.7 rrs in Portugal
(PT) and Spain (ES) 1676 66.0 Bahía
Blanca (AR); Fairfield ME, San Francisco BART (US); an tws
in Santiago and Valparaíso (CL); rrs in Argentina
(AR), Chile (CL) & India (IN) ("Indian gauge")
1680 66.1 Mauá-Fragoso
rr (BR, 1854) 1829 72.0 early rrs in
United States (US)
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