CYBERTHEFT !!! in its edition of 8 July 2004 (click to open).
The tram images on the Internet version of the article are grouped on a separate page: Seven of the images above were copied from Allen Morrison's website:
(1) The photograph in the excerpt above is the third image on The Tramways of Lima site, Part 1.
(2) The tokens reproduced above constitute the 10th image on The Tramways of Lima site, Part 1. They are reproduced better on the original page.
(3) The map above was drawn by Allen Morrison expressly for his Lima website: see original. La República removed his name, rotated the map 45 degrees, added its own inscriptions and roughed the edges of the map so that it would look old and authentic! The map is new. It was drawn in 2004. It is authentic on The Tramways of Lima website. The version published in Peru is a contrahechura (counterfeit).
(4) The Arequipa pass in the pass collage was copied from the 11th image on The Tramways of Arequipa page.
(5, 6, 7) The three tram images above are builder's photographs collected by the author in New York. La República removed the backgrounds and created silhouettes. The top tram is the 1st image on The Tramways of Arequipa page. The sprinkler car is the 5th image on The Tramways of Arequipa page. The doubledecker, built for Pisco, was copied from the 17th picture on Morrison's page about The Other Tramways of Peru. (What are pictures of Arequipa and Pisco doing in an article about Lima?)
Amazingly, mysteriously, the day after the article was published in La República in Lima, an abbreviated but more prominent version of the same article, with the same illustrations, appeared in El Chasqui, a Spanish-language newspaper published in New York! Click here to see cover. What is going on?
All the pages on Allen Morrison's website "Copyright © 2004-2104 Allen Morrison - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED" The text, images and maps on the pages of this website are protected by International Copyright. (To be continued . . .) |