The author is grateful to Sergio González Pavesio of Viña del Mar for his extraordinary contributions to this project.
Sr. González was the author's faithful correspondent in Chile for a decade and his escort during most of his travels. He is responsible for much of the information and many of the photographs contained in this book. Without his knowledge, generosity and encouragement, it would probably not have been written.
In addition to Sr.
González and the photographers and archives noted next to the
illustrations, the author would like to thank the following persons
for their assistance in the preparation of this work: Eduardo Reyes
F. and Aldo Curotto in Valparaíso; Sergio Ríos
Lavín, Ian Thomson and Oscar Figueroa in Santiago; Jaime
González Colville in Villa Alegre; Héctor
González in Rancagua; Mario Sanchez Urzúa in Rengo;
Amador Zarzar in Chillán; Jacques Simian Lasserre in
Concepción; Arturo Bunster in Traiguén; Danilo Bruna
and Oriel Alvarez in Copiapó; Mirians García de
Ríos in Temuco; Alberto Spinelli in Buenos Aires; Decio
Ferreira in Rio de Janeiro; Juan García, John Rossman, Gerald
Rossi and John Stevens in New York; S. F. X. Worris in Arlington;
Robert Peschkes in München; Allan De Koningh in Amsterdam; Peter
W. Duckett in Melbourne, Australia; J. H. Price in Peterborough,
England; L. A. Gibson in Broadstairs, England; and Jean de Meurs in
Bruxelles, Belgium, through whom the author met Sergio
González Pavesio.