References (in order of publication)
"E. de F. Campos do Jordão" in Brazil-Ferro-Carril (Rio de Janeiro), 10/1912, p. 241. Construction and inspection of the steam railway. "E. de F. Campos do Jordão" in Brazil-Ferro-Carril (Rio de Janeiro), 23/8/1914, pp. 255-256. Long, 2-page description of a festive excursion on the new steam- and gasoline-powered line. São Paulo. Secretaria da Agricultura, Comércio e Obras Públicas. Relatório, 1916. São Paulo, 1917. "Estrada de Ferro Campos do Jordão", pp. 223-226, presents a detailed description of the railway, its vehicles and their early operation. São Paulo, Comissão Geográfica e Geológica. "Pindamonhangaba" topographic map, dated 1919, shows the entire EFCJ line. "E. de F. Campos do Jordão" in Brazil-Ferro-Carril (Rio de Janeiro), 11/9/1924, p. 269. Electrification of the line and arrival in São Paulo of the first four English cars (A-1, A-2, B-1 and B-2). "E. de F. Campos do Jordão" in Brazil-Ferro-Carril (Rio de Janeiro), 4/12/1924, p. 572. First test runs on the new electric line. São Paulo. Secretaria da Agricultura, Comércio e Obras Públicas. Relatório, 1924. São Paulo, 1925. "Estrada de Ferro Campos do Jordão", pp. 222-235. Long, detailed history of the line and chronicle of its recent electrification. "Campos do Jordão Railway, Brazil" in The Locomotive (London), 14/2/1925, pp. 38-39. Illustrated article about the electrification of the line and construction of the cars by the English Electric and Midland Railway, Carriage & Wagon companies. Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nürnberg A.G. Straßenbahnwagen. Lieferverzeichnis, 1886-. Inventory of electric vehicles constructed by M.A.N. notes cars built for the "Strassenbahn Guarujá-Santos", which operate today in Campos do Jordão. Guia Levi, Agosto 1951. São Paulo, 1951. "Pindamonhangaba-C. Jordão" timetable notes that "Subúrbios" cars (A-5, A-6 and A-7) terminate at Toriba – not at São Cristóvão, as today. Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estadística, Conselho Nacional de Geografia. I Centenário das Ferrovias Brasileiras. Rio de Janeiro, 1954. "Estrada de Ferro Campos do Jordão", pp. 190-191. Brief description of the railway and its equipment. Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estadística, Departamento de Cartografia. Carta do Brasil - Esc. 1:50,000. Large-scale topographic maps of the Campos do Jordão/Taubaté/Guaratinguetá area, when joined, provide excellent detail of the E. F. Campos do Jordão line. Waldemar Corrêa Stiel. História dos Transportes Coletivos em São Paulo. São Paulo, 1978. "Campos do Jordão" chapter, pp. 316-319: history, detailed description of the rolling stock, four photos. Arthur Meyer-Gruhl. Das Eisenbahnwesen in Brasilien. Augsburg, 1979. "Die EFCJ, eine elektrische Gebirgsschmalspurbahn im Staate São Paulo", pp. 30-33. Good article with four illustrations. "Estrada de ferro não será mais desativada" in Folha de S. Paulo (São Paulo), 2/7/1980. Higher salaries for EFCJ employees. Waldemar Corrêa Stiel. História do Transporte Urbano no Brasil. Brasília, 1984. "Campos do Jordão" chapter, pp. 79-88. Detailed history, 15 extraordinary photographs. "Estrada de ferro dá mais segurança aos turistas" in A Tribuna (Santos), 15/5/1988. Excellent description and historical survey. Allen Morrison. The Tramways of Brazil: A 130-Year Survey. New York, 1989. "Campos do Jordão" chapter, pp. 143-146, presents an historical survey, map and six pictures. Eduardo Coelho. "Eletrificação Ferroviária no Brasil: A EF Campos do Jordão" in Revista Ferroviária (Rio de Janeiro), 6/1989, p. 46. Excellent, concise history. Nice photo of car A-3. "Bondes resistem na serra" in Revista Ferroviária (Rio de Janeiro), 10/1993, p. 18. Brief description of the EFCJ, four photos. Estrada de Ferro Campos do Jordão. Webpage by Antonio Gorni, with links to 13 recent photographs. Estrada de Ferro Campos do Jordão. Official website. History, description, old and new photos, present operation, fares et al. Mapa da Estrada de Ferro. Commercial map of the railway. Czech-language translation of my Introduction. Polish-language introduction to my page.
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